News Ticker: Abbey Road, Linda Stein, Prince, All Points West

February 24th, 2010 by Rolling Stone Leave a reply »

Photo: Scarf/Getty

  • Abbey Road Studios has been declared a Grade II historic site—the English preservation society’s second-highest ranking—Reuters reports. The building’s interior can be altered, but changes “must respect the character and preservation of the site.”

  • Natavia S. Lowery has been convicted for the second-degree murder of former Ramones co-manager Linda Stein and faces life in prison, the New York Times reports. Stein, who was beaten to death in October 2007, was married to Sire Records head Seymour Stein in the Seventies and went on to become a real estate agent to the stars.
  • Prince is being sued for 1.7 million Euros over a canceled 2008 gig in Dublin. The BBC reports 55,000 tickets were sold for the concert at Croke Park and Prince’s agent was paid half of his $3 million fee, however the artist gave “no reason of substance” for nixing the show.
  • Is it too late for All Points West to book big-name talent and scramble together a lineup? According to the New York Times, it’s unlikely the New Jersey weekend festival will return summer 2010. Executives for promoter AEG Live tell the paper a final decision has not been made, but should the fest continue it will be overhauled to improve fans’ experience.

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

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